Balance and Riding Confidence Books

Balance in Movement: The Seat of the RiderBalance in Movement
How to achieve the perfect seat. von Dietze. A practical guide offering riders a wealth of new ideas for achieving a perfectly balanced seat. Written by a physical therapist and riding instructor who has made a study of the complex physical relationship between horses and their riders. Illustrated with photographs and line drawings. 223 pages.

08-0126 Balance in Movement $29.99

Yoga for EquestriansYoga for Equestrians
Benedic and Wirth. A program of yoga designed to help riders build a stronger mind-body connection for improved riding. Combining yoga and horsemanship can enhance a rider's awareness, flexibility and balance. Includes specially designed routines for mounted yoga. Illustrated with detailed photographs. 192 pages, paperback.

08-0123 Yoga for Equestrians $29.99